MySQL Examples and Tutorials

Joins Vs Subqueries in MySQL

SQL JOINs are often a good solution over the subqueries, but not every time. There might be chances join statement will not work faster where the subquery will and vice-versa. New learners get easily confused between the JOIN statement and the subqueries and which one to use. In this tutorial, we will see the differences …

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How to install MySQL on macOS?

MySQL is a popular relational database management system. It is open-source and is supported by operating systems such as macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. MySQL language makes it easy for users to create, maintain and manipulate databases. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install MySQL on a macOS machine. This is an easy-to-follow and step-by-step …

How to install MySQL on macOS? Read More »

Alternative to date_trunc in MySQL

MySQL provides us with a wide range of functions to deal with dates, maths calculations, string manipulation etc. However, MySQL lacks some functions that are available in other DBMSs. The date_trunc function is one of the missing features of MySQL which is available in PostgreSQL DBMS. In this tutorial, we will see what are some …

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