MySQL NOT Operator

In this quick tutorial, we’ll take a look at the MySQL NOT operator. Suppose you are a teacher and you want a list of students who were not present for all 100 days in a term. In other words, the condition of students present for 100 days should NOT be satisfied, and the resulting output …

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MySQL OR Operator

In this tutorial, we’ll work on the MySQL OR operator. Suppose you are a teacher and you want to find out students who scored above 90 in their Maths or Science exams to be considered for the position of class monitor. So, in short, if a student scores above 90 in either Maths or Science, …

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MySQL NOT IN Operator

The MySQL NOT IN Operator does the exact opposite of the MySQL IN Operator. The NOT IN operator checks if a value is not present in a set of values and returns those values. Suppose you are a boarding school administrator and you want to know which of your students are not from Pune or …

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MySQL IN Operator

Suppose you are a boarding school administrator and you want to know which of your students are from Pune, Nagpur, and Mumbai from an SQL table. You can always use multiple OR operators but there is another, more effective way. We are looking at students in Pune, Nagpur, and Mumbai. And MySQL, like the beautiful …

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